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The Lingering Faith in Faith


For sixty years, Gallup has asked about public attitudes toward faith, giving respondents a clear choice: “Do you believe that religion can answer all or most of today’s problems, or that religion is largely old-fashioned and out of date?” In 1957, 82% expressed confidence in religious solutions, while only 11% considered faith old fashioned. Today, the margin is much closer but Americans still think religion has the answers-55% to 34%.

The surprising aspect of the poll is the stubborn respect for religion where you’d least expect it.
Among those who  “seldom” or “never” go to church, a full third still think religion can solve contemporary problems. And among Democrats, a plurality agrees that faith has the answers all people seek.

This means that even among political liberals, and those who never participate in public worship, there’s still a lingering suspicion that faith-based attitudes benefit individuals and society. Believers should never write off America as a secularized, Godless, lost cause.



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